The investigative documentary film “Measure of Silence”, produced under the banner of the Broadcasting & Media Production Company Filmontary, sheds light on the heinous crimes of honor killings across the Global South and around the world. Featuring prominent figures such as renowned transgender Pakistani actress Alina Khan of “Joyland” and “Darling” fame, award-winning activist and honor killing survivor Nina Aoulik, and internationally acclaimed journalist and author Rana Husseini, this documentary film uncovers real-life cases of killings committed in the name of “honor.”
Pakistani Actress Alina Khan excerpts from the documentary film, “Measure of Silence”
Notable Figures Featured in “Measure of Silence”
- Alina Khan: The first transgender woman from Pakistan to enter the Cannes Film Festival, known for her roles in “Joyland” and “Darling.”
- Nina Aoulik: An award-winning activist and survivor of honor killing.
- Rana Husseini: A journalist, feminist, and one of the world’s most influential investigative reporters, recognized for her human rights work.
The documentary film is co-produced by Pranay Khajuriya and Vinay Kumar and directed by Dev Jarenia, a team with extensive experience creating documentaries for major international outlets such as Voice of America, Bloomberg, CGTN, Business Insider, Al Jazeera Media Network, and Al Arabiya, with a presence in over 90 countries.
Renowned Human Rights Activist & Life Coach, “Nina Aouilk”.
Exploring the Complexity of Honor Killings:
The oddity and complexity of honor killings make this phenomenon difficult to understand. “Measure of Silence” encapsulates these issues with real-life stories, featuring expert insights on honor killings, including perspectives from jurists, local-level government representatives, and survivors from the LGBTQIA+ community. The documentary film delves into the interpretations of honor across different cultures and societies, exposing the silence that empowers these heinous acts.
Internationally recognised senior journalist and author, “Rana Husseini”
A Call to Break the Silence:
This documentary film is more than an investigation—it’s a call to action. It aims to create a clamour around the topic of honor killings, bringing forward unheard voices and challenging previously unseen notions. Silence enables the customs and beliefs perpetuating such acts, and “Measure of Silence” seeks to measure and confront that silence globally.
A Global Conversation:
“Measure of Silence” uncovers uncharted territories, exploring LGBTQIA+ honor killings and real-life cases that showcase the gravity of these crimes. It invites audiences to witness the truth behind honor killings and to decipher what continues to happen in the name of “honor” around the world.
For more information about this groundbreaking documentary film and a behind-the-scenes look, visit the website and social media pages of Filmontary.
Contact Information
Name: Pranay Khajuriya
Position: Co-Founder
Company: Filmontary
Country: India
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